To develop equality among both male and female and to promote the habit of consideration of % omen as a valuable assets of the society and to liberate women from slave, dowry, prostitution and other social problems which effects the development of omen.
To provide financial aid to financially weak girls/women to Study.
To provide medical aid for financially weak girls/women.
To help girls who are victims of natural or human made causes such as, Burnt by accident or burnt by others with acid, physically or mentally challenged, rape victims, victims of cyber crime etc.
Help fight depression through support, counseling, and other Means.
To fight for and help women or young girls or even children who are victims of human trafficking, forced prostitution, abused or molested at home or work place or anywhere else.
To educate them or train them in order for them to get a livelihood to live an independent life.
To rescue infant girls dumped at the hospitals or any other places and proved a safe place and a family for them.
To be a helping hand for every women in need.
To love the unloved and to reach the unreached.
HUMAN RIGHTS: To formulate and undertake projects, seminars, trainings etc for the evelopment of Human Rights. REHABILITATION PROGRAMMES TO DISABLE PERSONS: To work for the rehabilitation of the physically handicapped and mentally retarded fend for the welfare of deserted, destitute, orphans, widows and socially handicapped.
EDUCATIONAL DEVELOPMENT: To promote formal and non-formal education, computer education, health education, consumer education, environment education.
UPLIFE PEOPLE SOCIALLY AND ECONOMICALLY BACKWARD: To promote the welfare of the socially and economically downtrodden people especially in the villages and to help the unemployed youth in all possible ways in order to make themselves reliant and self-supportive.
NGOS NETWORKING: To build a healthy relationship among NGOs and co-ordinate their activities and efforts to create a better society.
INITIATE ACTION FOR DEVELOPMENT OF CHILDREN: To relieve the children from exploitation of child labour and to continue their studies and to provide a day care centre for the street children which facilitates them to £feel homely and ensures established conducive environment for the overall development of their personality.
ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE: To undertake alcohol and drug abuse awareness programmes and preventive education programmes to establish dedication centers, counseling centers and after care centers and related activities.
ORIENTATE ON PROGRAMMES: To conduct orientation programmes for social workers on basic law of our nation in order to make them understand the law of our nation.
ENVIRONMENT PROGRAMMES: To conduct programmes and projects for the protection of environment and B ecological development through trainings, seminars, street plays, rallies etc and forming eco clubs.
To form Self Help Groups (S H G's) among women and initiate credit and saving scheme for their own betterment financially, socially and economically.
To organize women groups to make them understand their rights and duties and to improve their life standards in ail spheres by themselves, shedding their dependent mentality.
To alleviate poverty and bring about better living conditions, mutual co- operation Sand unify among the villagers and in general rural development and also the under privileged living in semi urban and city areas, by implanting Khadi & Village Industries Commission's Programmes.
To start, encourage, assist and carry on such other activities, which are incidental for implementation of the Khadi & Village Industries commission's Programmes.
To empower rural and urban women economically, educationally and socially towards self-reliance and independence.
To campaign for progressive women welfare legislation.
To make women aware of their legal rights and to provide them legal aid and assistance in matters relating to their welfare.
To conduct seminars, workshops, conferences, conventions, symposia, training programme, competitions, public meeting and cultural programs to promote the welfare of women and weaker sections.
To undertake studies, research related to women's problems and issues in our country in general and Telangana In particulars and muster popular opinion against all kinds of women oppression and discrimination.
To work for the upliftment of women and free them from injustice, and them quality in society.
To cater to the needs of the educationally, economically and socially ackward, especially women and such other weaker sections of the society by nducting training program for the betterment of the downtrodden and to help em stand on their own feet.
To create more knowledge about various schemes of the government fo onomic and social upliftment of the poor like IRDP, TRYSEM etc.
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